Re-Education in Communist Vietnam

I TuBietGiamreceived this article from a friend of mine and found that it is very informative, well organized that can be very helpful to those who wish to know how we have undergone years of detention in the so-called Re-Education Camps in Communist Vietnam after 1975.

I am very sorry that I am unable to contact the authors for permission to use this article. But I believe they are willing to share it. Please accept my apology and my appreciation.

Ginetta Sagan (1943-2001) Elected Honorary Chair of the Board of AI USA (1994), Albert Schweitzer Award of Distinction (1990), Awarded Italy’s “Grande Ufficiale del Merito della Republica Italiana.” (1996),  Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom. White House Ceremony with President Clinton took place in 1997.

Her biography can be found in this webpage:

To read the article, please, click on the link below:

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